Well of Life Staff

More than just staff

Meet The Well of Life Family

Meet all of the members of the Well of Life staff – or, as we like to call them, family. Every member comes with a unique story and desire to serve you!

Catherine Lynn

Director of Operations
Remington’s best work friend

Catherine Lynn came to the Well of Life in January 2009 after suffering a heart attack at the age of 39. She had been suffering for years with the symptoms of lupus, arthritis, allergies, asthma, depression and anxiety, metal toxicity, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Since coming to the Well, she is off all medications and feels great! Catherine started working at the Well of Life in August 2009 as their part time bookkeeper and now works full time as Director of Operations.

“God has such an amazing love for his people to create such a place as this. Ever since my first visit as a client, I have prayed for a way to be a part of this amazing team. What a blessing to come to work everyday and be a small part of His great plan. Praise God.”

Dr. Charney Slater, DC


Dr. Charney Slater became a chiropractor after experiencing a severe autoimmune disorder of the thyroid known as Grave’s Disease. At that time, he had a racing heartbeat, a swollen neck, fatigue, and extreme digestive distress. He lost 25 pounds in 10 days. His medical doctor sent him to a chiropractor, and he noticed that the swelling in his neck would decrease after each treatment. He also felt much more calm. When he experienced his recovery after chiropractic treatment and nutritional intervention, he was motivated to learn more about his own health issues, and he decided to go to chiropractic school.

“What sets me apart is the very gentle but detailed approach that I take with each patient. I do NOT do any cracking, pushing, or pulling. I identify areas of misalignment causing nerve interference (termed subluxation) in the spine and other areas using muscle testing. Muscle testing allows me to go beyond what appears to be the surface problem. Through muscle testing, I am able to get to a deeper understanding of complex patterns.”

Remington “Remi” Coale

“Branch” Manager

Remi belongs to our owner, Cynthia! He joined the Well of Life team in October of 2020 and has quickly stolen the hearts of our staff and clients alike! He is at the Well of Life several days a week learning the art of socialization. Feel free to hug him, talk to him and play with him when you see him, and if you don’t see him, certainly feel free to ask if he is here for a visit! As he gets older, Remi will continue his training and start Therapy Dog Training so he continue his job of bringing joy, love and comfort to everyone he meets!

Andrea Louisa Basile

Holistic Skin Health Practitioner
Electro Lymphatic Therapist

Dr. Charney Slater became a chiropractor after experiencing a severe autoimmune disorder of the thyroid known as Grave’s Disease. At that time, he had a racing heartbeat, a swollen neck, fatigue, and extreme digestive distress. He lost 25 pounds in 10 days. His medical doctor sent him to a chiropractor, and he noticed that the swelling in his neck would decrease after each treatment. He also felt much more calm. When he experienced his recovery after chiropractic treatment and nutritional intervention, he was motivated to learn more about his own health issues, and he decided to go to chiropractic school.

“What sets me apart is the very gentle but detailed approach that I take with each patient. I do NOT do any cracking, pushing, or pulling. I identify areas of misalignment causing nerve interference (termed subluxation) in the spine and other areas using muscle testing. Muscle testing allows me to go beyond what appears to be the surface problem. Through muscle testing, I am able to get to a deeper understanding of complex patterns.”

Jasmin Trevedi

Esthetician and Reflexologist

Jasmin began working at the Well of Life Spa in September of 2020. She is a licensed Esthetician and Threading Specialist and has been in the skincare industry for over 20 years.

Her skills started in India, with a strong passion to help people with touch and at one time, considered being a nurse. Instead, her heart led her to skincare, where she could help people through touch and also help improve their appearance and self-esteem. Jasmin is very dedicated and loyal to her clients, fulfilling their skincare needs and concerns.

“I maintain advanced skincare standards through continuous training and education, which helps me in many ways with my passion to help others. In my personal time, I like to do yoga, garden, walk, and spend time with my family.

I am very excited to join the Well of Life family and I look forward to meeting you!”

Karen Cochrane

Front Desk Ambassador

Karen Cochrane came to the Well of Life Center in May of 2012 after a diagnosis of a slow thyroid, acid reflux, fatigue, and headaches; for all of these symptoms, she was taking five different medications. Within one week, she no longer had acid reflux or headaches, and she now only takes 1 ½ medications. She began working at the Well as a receptionist in May of 2014.

“I thank our Lord every day for this wonderful opportunity to work at the Well of Life. The healing is amazing and I feel truly blessed to be a part of ‘Team Well’.”

Elizabeth Lee

Client Advocate

Elizabeth came to the Well of Life Center in February of 2018. After visiting many doctors for symptoms she was experiencing, she was immediately at peace, and felt that God had led her to the Well. She started working at the Well in January of 2019, as an Client Advocate.

“I believe that God has given us the responsibility to take care of our bodies and that to live a healthy lifestyle is an act of worship. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to work at a place where they seek to honor God in all they do, and to be able to be a blessing to others as they start or continue on their healing journeys.”

Sharon Rudda

Customer Service
KCR Facilitator
CFT Practitioner

Sharon began working at the Well of Life Center in August of 2015 as a Ballet Barre and Mat Pilates instructor. She trained at Bravo! Dance in Wilkes-Barre, PA under the direction of Trinette Singleton, formerly of Joffrey Ballet. Sharon has a B.A. degree in Performing Arts with a focus in Ballet from La Roche College in Pittsburgh, PA. She has performed with Roxey Ballet, Repertory Dance Theatre, Bucks County Playhouse, and Washington Crossing Open Air Theatre. In 2014, Sharon received her Pilates Mat Certification from the Kane School offsite campus in Doylestown, PA under the training of Barbi Fury.

“I enjoy working with people of all ages to improve their quality of movement and to obtain a more balanced muscular recruitment pattern.”

Kristin Redman


Kristin Redman started working at the Well of Life in May of 2018 in our Customer Service Department.

“Since the first day, I have felt welcome. I feel blessed to be able to come into such a friendly environment and have the chance to learn new things.”

Ashley Messina

Front Desk Ambassador

Ashley came to the Well of Life Center in December 2021 for digestion issues and hormone imbalances (weight gain, hair loss, acne). Within a few months she noticed a significant improvement in her skin and digestion and also noticed that her hormones were beginning to balance out.

Ashley started working at the Well of Life in July 2022 as a Receptionist.

“I started working here because I noticed as a client that the process really works and I am very interested in learning more about how nutrition and a healthier lifestyle can heal our bodies.”

Caitlin Thompson

Assistant Team Leader
Client Advocate

Caitlin came to the Well of Life Center in March 2015 for a genetic skin condition that stopped responding to allopathic medications. Caitlin started working at the Well of Life in 2015 for a period of time before moving. She rejoined our team in March of 2023 as a Clinician’s Assistant.

“After many years of feeling like a guinea pig in the “regular” medical field, finding the Well changed my life. Learning how to manage symptoms by finding the root cause, making lifestyle changes, and understanding how the body works helped my healing journey and me realize how to ‘pay it forward’.”

Lauren Mascaro

Front Desk Ambassador

Lauren Mascaro started working at the Well of Life in June of 2023 at the Front Desk.

“When I came to the Well of LIfe, I immediately felt welcomed by everyone. I felt so blessed when I was offered the front desk position. Cynthia mentioned that God brings people to herand the Well and I feel like God brought the Well of Life to my family and me.”

Nicole Peck

Front Desk Ambassador

Nicole Peck started working at the Well of LIfe in July of 2023 as a Front Desk Ambassador.

“I am so excited to have joined such a kind and welcoming team. I’m looking forward to learning and growing with this company.”

Abigail Samson

Clilnician’s Assistant

Abigail joined the Well of Life Center in January 2024 as a Clinician’s Assistant. Her experience of treating Lyme disease with herbal medicine greatly impacted and solidified her understanding of the profound healing potential of natural medicine. She brings an educational background as a dance and somatics instructor with a focus on physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. She is thrilled to work alongside the Well of Life Center in offering hope for healing and support to the community.

“I believe God created our bodies with an amazing, intelligent design and provided a bounty of natural medicine so that we can live healthy and well. Though illness and toxicity are all around us, and can be very discouraging and challenging, we can hold onto hope and draw near to Him as He guides us on the path to deep vibrant health! ‘The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the soul who seeks Him.’ Lamentations 3:25”

Melissa Miller

Front Desk Ambassador

Melissa came to the Well of Life Center in the summer of 2021 for chronic health issues stemming from forty years of improperly diagnosed and overly medicated treatment. Melissa started working at the Well of Life in April of 2024

“I have received true and honest healthcare from my clinicians and from those who specialize in the many modalities here. This center has been a Godsend. For my entire life, I did not believe I was worthy of healing, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. I am forever grateful for the care I receive here at the Well.”

Michele West

Colon Hydrotherapist
Licensed Esthetician

Michele started working at the Well of LIfe in April 2024 as a colon hydrotherapist.

“I’ve been an IACT certified Colon Hydrotherapist in the Philadelphia region for 13 years. I have been into natural health and wellness modalities/lifestyle for close to 20 years. I love that I have the opportunity to help people with their bowel health here at The Well of Life. I love how knowledgeable and collaborative the entire staff is here at the Well. It’s such a joy working here!”

Lisa Childs

BASW, Certified Brain Integration Technique Practitioner

Lisa’s husband passed away from stage 4 lung cancer which had led her deeper into the holistic healing world. Five years later, Lisa found herself with cancer and within a few months Lyme disease and Bartonella – simultaneously. With the great support of the Well of Life Center and her own determination, she eliminated the Lyme and Bartonella – naturally – and then went for chemo and radiation. She is now 6 years cancer free. Lisa was diagnosed with “chemo brain” and experienced a blank brain at times and other brain dysfunctions. Determined to find help, Lisa discovered Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (B.I.T.) and so her journey began in healing the brain – first her own and then others. In 2021, Lisa joined the Well of Life Center as a BIT Practitioner, to help people truly heal on all levels.

Lisa is helping children which is her passion and now also adults. “Change the world, one person at a time.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Have we seen and/or helped someone with the symptoms of ____________?

We have seen clients with various symptoms and diagnosis from diabetes to cancer, weight gain to digestive issues, Lyme dis-ease to arthritis. Our goal is to support each client individually and support the body one organ at a time. Contact us to see if we have testimonials from our clients for a specific health issue. Rest assured that during your initial consultation, your Clinician will be able to review YOUR specific health goals with you!

What will my first appointment consist of?

Your first visit will last approximately 2.5 – 3 hours, and will include a viewing of our New Client video, your Initial Consultation with one of our Clinicians, and your Report of Findings.  You will leave this appointment with an understanding of the specific needs of your body, as well as a personalized supplemental protocol based on those areas of need.

During your initial consultation, your Clinician will review your current health goals and do a complete muscle response testing assessment with you to identify your individual health needs and how we can use nutritional supplements to support your body accordingly!

Would I be taking any supplements that may have side effects and/or reactions to medications?

No, our supplements are whole-food based, and therefore will not have any harmful effects.

What does The Well of Life do?

We utilize something called muscle response testing. It is a non-invasive way of assessing the body’s needs. By using your body and its biologically provided electrical system, we stress the organs, systems, and functions to determine the prioritized area of distress.

By discovering these areas of weakness in the body, our clinicians are able to determine the root cause, and the reason for your symptoms. Instead of treating your symptoms with a generic recommendation that might not be exactly right for YOUR individual body.

How do I set up my first appointment?

Please fill our “Schedule an Appointment” form. Our Client Advocate Team will call you within 24-48 hours to set up your first appointment. He or she will also be available to answer any questions you may have about your visit or about what we do.

Do you accept insurance?

Due to the healthcare system, The Well of Life Center for Natural Health is not able to accept any form of insurance, including Medicaid/Medicare. Because are not a medical facility, our services, unfortunately, are not covered by insurance. All expenses will be out of pocket with the understanding that all services offered are not reimbursed by your insurance provider.

Please know that we understand that spending money on your health is a truly an investment! We do our very best to keep costs as low as possible in order to give care to holistic care to clients.

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