Plan to Engage Socially

by | Sep 25, 2019

As the cooler months roll around, it can be easy to fall into the trap of isolation and solitude. The chilly weather and darker evenings may make us want to snuggle up at home and indulge in solo activities like binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix. While there’s nothing wrong with a little “Netflix and chill,” it’s important to be aware of how this can impact our overall health and well-being.

One common way that our health can backslide during the colder months is through a lack of social engagement. Humans are naturally social creatures, and we thrive on connections with others. Social interaction is not only important for our mental health but also plays a crucial role in maintaining our physical well-being.

social interaction improves health

It is crucial to prioritize social connections and maintain strong relationships with others in order to safeguard our well-being. The effects of loneliness and isolation can have far-reaching consequences on our mental and physical health. By building a support system and staying connected with loved ones, we can reduce feelings of loneliness and improve our overall well-being. Engaging in social activities, reaching out to friends and family, and participating in community events are all ways to combat isolation and strengthen our social bonds. It is important to recognize the impact of social connection on our health and make an effort to cultivate meaningful relationships in our lives. As social creatures, we thrive on human connection and having a sense of belonging, so it is essential to prioritize our social well-being in order to lead a happier and healthier life.

So, even though it may be tempting to hibernate during the winter months, it’s crucial that we make an effort to prioritize time with others. This can be as simple as scheduling regular meet-ups with friends or family members, joining a club or group that aligns with your interests, or even just reaching out to someone for a quick coffee or chat.

social engagement for health

If you find it challenging to make plans or step out of your comfort zone, try setting a date weeks ahead of time to ensure that you follow through on your social commitments. Remember, human connection is essential for our overall health and well-being, so don’t let the cooler months be an excuse to neglect this important aspect of your life. Embrace the opportunity to engage with others, and watch as your health and happiness flourish as a result.

Here is a great article talking about the importance of being social and the health benefits that come along with it:

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Written By Well of Life Center

The Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare was founded on the belief that the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. Through functional healing, the Well of Life Center educates you so that you understand what is going on within your body, what is causing it distress, and how you can put it back in balance naturally.

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Monday – 9am – 7pm
Tuesday – 10am – 7pm
Wednesday and Thursday – 9am – 7pm
Friday 9am – 3pm
Saturday 8am – 12pm

NOTE: We will open at 10am on the last Wednesday of each month.

Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

201 Farm Lane
Doylestown, PA 18901

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