Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to The Well of Life!

Here are some frequently asked questions that may be helpful to our new clients and those looking to become a client.

Nutritional Care

Clinicians at the Well of Life Center for Natural Health are not primary care physicians and function only as consultants. The staff at the Well of Life Center for Natural Health does not claim to be medical doctors and will not prescribe, diagnose, treat, prevent, alleviate, or cure any dis-ease or condition. Well of Life Center for Natural Health, LLC, and its nutritional clinicians have been thoroughly trained and certified.

Have we seen and/or helped someone with the symptoms of ____________?

We have seen clients with various symptoms and diagnosis from diabetes to cancer, weight gain to digestive issues, Lyme dis-ease to arthritis. Our goal is to support each client individually and support the body one organ at a time. Contact us to see if we have testimonials from our clients for a specific health issue.

Rest assured that during your initial consultation, your Clinician will be able to review YOUR specific health goals with you!

What does The Well of Life do?

We utilize something called muscle response testing. It is a non-invasive way of assessing the body’s needs. By using your body and its biologically provided electrical system, we stress the organs, systems, and functions to determine the prioritized area of distress.

By discovering these areas of weakness in the body, our clinicians are able to determine the root cause, and the reason for your symptoms. Instead of treating your symptoms with a generic recommendation that might not be exactly right for YOUR individual body.

We offer three levels of nutritional care here at the Well.

What are the three levels of Nutritional Care?

Nutritional Response Testing with our Associate Clinicians: We recommend this level of care for someone who is experiencing mild to moderate symptoms, or is looking for an overall wellness plan to maintain their healthy lifestyle and quality of life.

Nutritional Response Testing with our Senior Clinician: We recommend this level of care for someone who is experiencing moderate to severe symptoms, or desires to address deeper levels of healing for their physical or emotional well-being.

Critical Care Program with our Critical Care Clinician: Our critical care program is designed for those individuals who are experiencing severe or chronic symptoms, or have received a critical diagnosis which they wish to address proactively.

If you believe that you fit into this category, we offer an application process to determine if this is the best program for you. This application will be sent to you after you have completed and submitted this form. Our client advocate will reach out to you personally to schedule you with our critical care clinician, or to recommend another clinician if we discover that you do not require this level of care.

What will my first appointment consist of?

Your first visit will last approximately 2.5 – 3 hours, and will include a viewing of our New Client video, your Initial Consultation with one of our Clinicians, and your Report of Findings. You will leave this appointment with an understanding of the specific needs of your body, as well as a personalized supplemental protocol based on those areas of need.

During your initial consultation, your Clinician will review your current health goals and do a complete muscle response testing assessment with you to identify your individual health needs and how we can use nutritional supplements to support your body accordingly!

How do I set up my first appointment?

Please fill our “Schedule an Appointment” form. Our Client Advocate Team will call you within 24-48 hours to set up your first appointment. He or she will also be available to answer any questions you may have about your visit or about what we do.

Would I be taking any supplements that may have side effects and/or reactions to medications?

No, our supplements are whole-food based, and therefore will not have any harmful effects.

Financial Investment

Nutritional Care
The nutritional care initial consultation fee is paid at the time of scheduling to secure your spot in our Clinician’s schedule. This fee is non-refundable.

Chiropractic Care, Massage, Acupuncture, etc.
Credit card information will be taken in order to secure your spot in our schedule. We will not be charging the card for this appointment, unless the appointment is cancelled or rescheduled within less than 24 hours.

Follow Up Appointments
All follow-up service payments must be paid in full at the date of service. Payments can be made via cash, check, and all major debit/credit cards. Funds must be paid in US Dollars.

Do you accept insurance?

Due to the healthcare system, The Well of Life Center for Natural Health is not able to accept any form of insurance, including Medicaid/Medicare. Because are not a medical facility, our services, unfortunately, are not covered by insurance. All expenses will be out of pocket with the understanding that all services offered are not reimbursed by your insurance provider.

Please know that we understand that spending money on your health is a truly an investment! We do our very best to keep costs as low as possible in order to give care to holistic care to clients.

Do you offer financing?

We do offer a nutritional pre-pay program, in which you can purchase 12 visits up front for $550 (a savings of $185). We also offer further savings for additional packages purchased for dependent children, if purchased within 6 months of another package.

Note: Nutritional supplements are an additional expense. Although the price of your supplements will vary according to your specific condition, we suggest that the average cost would be about $200 a month.


Do you require paperwork?

In efforts to ensure we comply with the privacy laws and a high quality of care we require that you complete online and/or bring with you the Well of Life Center for Natural Health’s new client paperwork prior to arrival of your first visit.

For Nutritional Care appointments, we also require an online health assessment be completed prior to your first visit as well. In addition to your paperwork, please bring with you any medications you may presently be taking. If you do not have your new client forms filled out, your online questionnaire completed, and your medications brought with you, we will need to reschedule your appointment.

Do you offer room/board?

Travel, room, board, and transportation are not provided by the Well of Life Center. The Well of Life Center can provide recommendations, but it is the responsibility of the client to arrange all of the above.

Client Policies

In order to deliver you the best possible client experience, the Well of Life Center for Natural Health has implemented the following policies. We appreciate your cooperation. Feel free to contact our Client Advocate Team with any questions.

Cancellation Policy

We ask that you are courteous to the following notices. Failure to cancel within the allotted time is subject to a charge of the entire visit fee.

  • New clients with Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, please give 3 weeks notice of appointment cancellation.
  • New clients with all other Clinicians, please give at least 48 hours notice of appointment cancellation.
  • Existing clients, please give 24 hours notice of appointment cancellation.
Office Visit Charge

Please be aware that your follow up visits are scheduled for:

  • 25 minute appointments with our Critical Care Clinician
  • 25 minute appointments with our Senior Clinician(s)
  • 15 minute appointments with our Associate Clinician(s)

If you are late for your scheduled appointment, we may be unable to see you at your scheduled time. You may be asked to reschedule for a later date, or you will be seen for the remainder of your scheduled appointment time and billed for the entire appointment.

If your appointment extends beyond the scheduled time, you may be billed for that time in 15 minute increments, depending on the time actually used by the provider in coordinating your care.

Telephone/Answering System

It is our Front Desk policy to give our undivided attention to the person we are serving at the time. This means that any phone calls coming into the Front Desk at that time will go to voicemail. If your call goes to voicemail, please understand that we will return your call generally within 30 minutes, unless our office is closed.

When you leave a voicemail for the Client Advocate, please understand that all calls are returned within 24-48 hours and are answered in the order of their urgency. We appreciate your patience as the Client Advocate communicates your needs with the Clinician in order to serve you best. If you have an emergency and are unable to reach the Client Advocate, call 911 immediately.

There is no need to leave more than one voicemail, or to leave the same message on multiple people’s voicemails. Doing so may result in crossed lines of communication and can actually delay the response time.

Emergency Policy

The Well of Life Center for Natural Health is NOT an emergency clinic. If you feel like you are having a true medical emergency, please go directly to your local urgent care. The following are examples that involve urgent care:

  • High fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe allergic reaction to medication or supplement
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Heart irregularities
  • Severe dehydration

Fragrances can cause “allergic-type” reactions to people dealing with chemical toxicity, or who are detoxifying or dealing with severe symptoms. With this in mind, we ask our staff and clients to refrain from wearing scented lotions, perfumes or colognes in our offices. This helps us maintain a healing environment where everyone can be comfortable. If you come in for an appointment and are wearing a scent, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment.

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