Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

non-invasive and gentle therapy

Happpy Baby = Happy You!

Dr. Barry Gillespie discovered the Craniosacral Fascial System, which consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body. When physical trauma and/or emotional trauma adversely tighten this freely moving system, tremendous pressure can be exerted on associated nerves, muscles, organs, blood vessels, lymph vessels and bones. Profound effects on body function may result as a major cause of the presented health conditions.

Dr. Barry Gillespie teaches Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) so others can effectively relieve pressure in this system. The Gillespie Approach originated from the cranial osteopathic principles of Dr. William Sutherland, the authentic myofascial release work of John Barnes, P.T., and Dr. Barry Gillespie’s background as a periodontist. The power of the Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy revolves around hands-on procedures that facilitate healing without drugs, vitamins, supplements, technology or surgery. A freely moving brain, spinal cord and fascial web are must-haves for the well-being of all newborns, children and adults.

Gillespie Approach Craniosacral Fascial

non-invasive and gentle therapy

Happpy Baby = Happy You!

Dr. Barry Gillespie discovered the Craniosacral Fascial System, which consists of a slight motion of the brain and spinal cord pumping cerebrospinal fluid into the fascial web that connects every structural cell of the body. When physical trauma and/or emotional trauma adversely tighten this freely moving system, tremendous pressure can be exerted on associated nerves, muscles, organs, blood vessels, lymph vessels and bones. Profound effects on body function may result as a major cause of the presented health conditions.

Dr. Barry Gillespie teaches Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) so others can effectively relieve pressure in this system. The Gillespie Approach originated from the cranial osteopathic principles of Dr. William Sutherland, the authentic myofascial release work of John Barnes, P.T., and Dr. Barry Gillespie’s background as a periodontist. The power of the Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy revolves around hands-on procedures that facilitate healing without drugs, vitamins, supplements, technology or surgery. A freely moving brain, spinal cord and fascial web are must-haves for the well-being of all newborns, children and adults.

Gillespie Approach Craniosacral Fascial

“Content babies and happy families create a more peaceful planet.”

– Dr. Barry Gillespie



How Craniosacral Fascial Therapy can help

The Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is ideal for children since it’s non-invasive, gentle, active, and fun. Removing fascial strain from childbirth, vaccinations, and other early traumas has been demonstrated to help with issues of tongue ties, colic, digestive discomfort, hyperactivity, attention deficit, autism, allergies, asthma, earaches, learning disorders, bedwetting, and other childhood ailments.

CFT can also help adults unwind tight fascia and release years of strain. Clients often find lasting relief from migraines, sinus conditions, neck and back pain, sleep issues, and other conditions.

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy can help with:

For infants…

Birth Trauma

Tongue Tie/Lip Tie




Inability to Latch

Difficulty Sucking

Difficulty Sucking/Swallowing



Asymmetrical Head Shape


and more

For children…





Learning Disorders

Sinus Conditions


Neck Pain




and more

For adults…




Neck Pain

Jaw Pain

Hip Pain

Sinus Conditions

Back Pain



Pelvic Pain


and more

“Content babies and happy families create a more peaceful planet.”

– Dr. Barry Gillespie


“I see a world where every newborn is free from a lifetime of suffering due to birth trauma.”

– Dr. Barry Gillespie

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The Gillespie Approach

Dr. Barry Gillespie believes that the effects of fetal trauma and birth trauma can be mitigated at the beginning of life to create optimal brain function, prevent many diseases and avert a lifetime of suffering. In 1980, while working with children who had TMJ and headaches, Dr. Barry Gillespie discovered that craniosacral fascial restriction in the respiratory system caused pediatric asthma.

In his asthmatic clinical research, which spanned 20 years through the 1980s and 1990s, he also discovered that many other childhood diseases such as chronic earaches, headaches, learning disorders, ADHD, rhinitis, colic, reflux, scoliosis and strabismus stemmed from dysfunction of the craniosacral fascial system.

Because of the potential global magnitude of the discoveries he made, Dr. Barry Gillespie left his periodontal practice in 1997 after 22 years to devote himself full time to this work. He published Healing Your Child in 1999 to educate lay parents about the natural care concepts and, in 2000, published Brain Therapy for Children and Adults as a teaching manual for his students.

Check out these videos from Dr. Gillespie to learn more. You can also visit his website at gillespieapproach.com.

Metabolic balance program

Dr. Barry Gillespie, founder of Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

learn more about

The Gillespie Approach

Dr. Barry Gillespie believes that the effects of fetal trauma and birth trauma can be mitigated at the beginning of life to create optimal brain function, prevent many diseases and avert a lifetime of suffering. In 1980, while working with children who had TMJ and headaches, Dr. Barry Gillespie discovered that craniosacral fascial restriction in the respiratory system caused pediatric asthma.

In his asthmatic clinical research, which spanned 20 years through the 1980s and 1990s, he also discovered that many other childhood diseases such as chronic earaches, headaches, learning disorders, ADHD, rhinitis, colic, reflux, scoliosis and strabismus stemmed from dysfunction of the craniosacral fascial system.

Because of the potential global magnitude of the discoveries he made, Dr. Barry Gillespie left his periodontal practice in 1997 after 22 years to devote himself full time to this work. He published Healing Your Child in 1999 to educate lay parents about the natural care concepts and, in 2000, published Brain Therapy for Children and Adults as a teaching manual for his students.

Learn more at gillespieapproach.com.

Metabolic balance program

Dr. Barry Gillespie, founder of Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy

Also great for adults!

CFT can also help adults by unwinding tight fascia and releasing years of strain, leading to relief from migraines, sinus issues, neck and back pain, sleep issues, and other conditions. Check out this short video to learn more.

Also great for adults!

CFT can also help adults by unwinding tight fascia and releasing years of strain, leading to relief from migraines, sinus issues, neck and back pain, sleep issues, and other conditions. Check out this short video to learn more.

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